Today I met different opinions. Some were favorable, others were not. I'm not a person who's afraid of criticism or is avoiding it. I'm facing it as a full adult person. Only unpleasant encounter on the way are people who, despite their age (which should indicate their mental adulthood) are trying to make up backwardness and emptiness by insulting others. At some point I began to defend what I published. Once I was at the end of surprise (for the reaction of these people), I realized that they were able to draw me into this confusion. Completely unnecessarily I gave up approaches. I laughed to myself and I stated that they have the right to write what they want, and I, in turn, do not have to always refer to this, especially when I sense a strange situation and so-called 'hidden agenda'. After reading the whole 'bickering' I realized that it was not really about me, or about what I wrote in the published text. My answer to the next comment was merely the start. Just any reason. In the end I stopped 'defending myself' and explaining, because for what? Likewise, these people do not have to. After much thought, I conclude that in spite of life experience and knowledge that I gained so far, I have a long way to completely cut off from all the toxicity in this world.
Niniejsze dzieło podlega ochronie prawnej na mocy ustawy o prawie autorskim.Ochrona prawa autorskiego jest chroniona z mocy prawa.