3 lut 2015

I had a dream few years back

It was a regular day. I woke up at six o’clock and had to prepare for school. I ate my breakfast, put all needed books in my bag and went to bus stop to get to my high school. When I got there, like usually, I sat on my school chair and I was waiting for the teacher to come.

Fortunately, no teacher was coming. Me and my class we were so happy about it that we expected something like “teachers day” or another occasion not to have classes. I went downstairs and I was astonished when I saw famous dancers from all around the world. I couldn’t feel my legs and hands. Time stood still and I felt like beating of my heart is audible within one kilometer.

When they started dancing my whole class was watching them without any jokes, comments or taunts. I was very excited about this event and my face couldn’t express anything else than a big smile and fixated eyes.

There was one occurrence which I will never ever forget. It happened when all of the dancers asked me at one time to come and dance with them – that was the climax of the day. I couldn’t stand up but in a couple of seconds I got up, and with stupid smile reached the top of the stairs which today wasn’t a landing but the stage.

From that day I will remember every single second spent with the dancers. I felt like I was fulfilled. Nothing else mattered that day, nothing could ever be so special.

Niniejsze dzieło podlega ochronie prawnej na mocy ustawy o prawie autorskim.Ochrona prawa autorskiego jest chroniona z mocy prawa.

1 komentarz:

  1. Wow �� I do love it it the sense, how was amazing the emotions dancing.... If danced with them.......


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